#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Salaspils Nuclear Reactor | 360° virtual tour ## Skin ### Button Button_1B998D00_16C4_0505_41AD_67CAA4AAEFE0.label = HOUSE INFO Button_1B998D00_16C4_0505_41AD_67CAA4AAEFE0_mobile.label = INFO Button_1B999D00_16C4_0505_41AB_D0C2E7857448.label = Episodes Button_1B999D00_16C4_0505_41AB_D0C2E7857448_mobile.label = EPIZODES Button_1B9A3D00_16C4_0505_41B2_6830155B7D52.label = V. Gavars Button_1B9A3D00_16C4_0505_41B2_6830155B7D52_mobile.label = V. Gavars Button_1B9A4D00_16C4_0505_4193_E0EA69B0CBB0.label = FLOORPLAN Button_1B9A4D00_16C4_0505_4193_E0EA69B0CBB0_mobile.label = FLOORPLAN Button_1B9A5D00_16C4_0505_41B0_D18F25F377C4.label = PHOTOALBUM Button_1B9A5D00_16C4_0505_41B0_D18F25F377C4_mobile.label = PHOTOS Button_1B9A6D00_16C4_0505_4197_F2108627CC98.label = References Button_1B9A6D00_16C4_0505_4197_F2108627CC98_mobile.label = LOCATION Button_221B5648_0C06_E5FD_4198_40C786948FF0.label = lorem ipsum Button_221B5648_0C06_E5FD_4198_40C786948FF0_mobile.label = lorem ipsum Button_23F057B8_0C0A_629D_41A2_CD6BDCDB0145.label = lorem ipsum Button_23F057B8_0C0A_629D_41A2_CD6BDCDB0145_mobile.label = lorem ipsum Button_D406C4A1_FB64_DD34_41E6_31C8B0FA71EE.label = lorem ipsum ### Multiline Text HTMLText_0B42C466_11C0_623D_4193_9FAB57A5AC33.html =
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valdis gavars
salaspils kodolreaktora
galvenais inženieris

Valdis Gavars dzimis 1934. gadā Rēzeknē, ārsta ģimenē. No 1944. gada dzīvo Rīgā. Beidzis Rīgas Industriālā politehnikuma Elektrotehnikas nodaļu.

Mācības turpinājis Ļeņingradas (Sanktpēterburgas) Politehniskā institūta Elektromehānikas fakultātē, kuru beidzis 1955. gadā. Pēc inženiera diploma saņemšanas norīkots darbā siltumelektrostacijās Sahalīnā. Pēc tam turpat dienējis Padomju armijā.

Pēc atgriešanās Rīgā iekļaujas zinātniskās pētniecības kodolreaktora būvē Salaspilī netālu no Rīgas. 1959. gadā kļūst par reaktora galveno inženieri un nostrādā šajā amatā vairāk nekā 30 gadus.

Fizikas institūtā Valdis Gavars iesaistās zinātniskajā darbā, un 1971. gadā Atomreaktoru zinātniskās pētniecības institūtā Melekesā, kurš atrodas Krievijas atomcentrā pie Volgas, aizstāv zinātņu kandidāta grādu. Viņa zinātniskās intereses saistās ar jauna tipa gamma staru avota – radiācijas kontūra – radīšanu.

Valdis Gavars aktīvi darbojies Černobiļas atomelektrostacijas avārijas seku novēršanā Latvijā. Pēc 1991. gada viņš ir saistīts ar enerģētiku, vadījis Latvijas enerģētikas attīstības programmas izstrādi. Strādājis Latvenergo attīstības stratēģijas daļā.

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john doe
licensed real estate salesperson

Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
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The virtual tour used information from these books:
“50 years of the Salaspils scientific nuclear reactor”, V. Gavars, 2010

“Next to a split core”, V. Gavars, 2000

“Nuclear power plants; Structure and development trends”, V. Gavars, 2008.

Photo images used in the virtual tour:

V. Gavars’ personal archive

“50 years of the Salaspils scientific nuclear reactor”, V. Gavars, 2010.

Video materials used in the virtual tour:

State LLC “Latvian Television”

Association “Copyright and Communication Consulting

Agency / Latvian Authors Association”

Latvian State Historical Archive
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address line 1
address line 2

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac.
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Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet

consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi bibendum pharetra lorem, accumsan san nulla.

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

Integer gravida dui quis euismod placerat. Maecenas quis accumsan ipsum. Aliquam gravida velit at dolor mollis, quis luctus mauris vulputate. Proin condimentum id nunc sed sollicitudin.

Donec feugiat:
• Nisl nec mi sollicitudin facilisis
• Nam sed faucibus est.
• Ut eget lorem sed leo.
• Sollicitudin tempor sit amet non urna.
• Aliquam feugiat mauris sit amet.
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Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet
consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi bibendum pharetra lorem, accumsan san nulla.

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

Integer gravida dui quis euismod placerat. Maecenas quis accumsan ipsum. Aliquam gravida velit at dolor mollis, quis luctus mauris vulputate. Proin condimentum id nunc sed sollicitudin.

Donec feugiat:
• Nisl nec mi sollicitudin facilisis
• Nam sed faucibus est.
• Ut eget lorem sed leo.
• Sollicitudin tempor sit amet non urna.
• Aliquam feugiat mauris sit amet.
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Panorama list:
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Note of acknowledgement

Valdis Gavars, who was chief engineer, researcher and doctor of engineering sciences at the Salaspils reactor, and Valdis Katinskis, who was a shift manager and is now the reactor overseer, participated in the creation of the 360-degree virtual tour of the SLLC “Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre”.

List of audiovisual documents

No. 1: Cinema magazine “Soviet Latvia”, No. 28
Scene 4: Completion of Salaspils nuclear reactor construction works. Directed by Hermanis Sulatins, cameraman Laimons Gaigals
No. 2: Cinema magazine “Soviet Latvia”, No. 34
Scene 3: Opening of the Salaspils nuclear reactor. Directed by Mihails Sneiderovs, cameramen: Laimons Gaigals, Henrihs Pilipsons
No. 3: Cinema magazine “Soviet Latvia”, No. 34
Scene 4: Salaspils nuclear reactor. Directed by Irina Masa, cameramen: Mihails Poselskis, Vladimirs Gailis, Gunars Indriksons, Janis Celms, Janis Sulcs
No. 4: Cinema magazine “Soviet Latvia”, No. 2
Scene 5: Salaspils nuclear reactor laboratory. Directed by Edvins Springis, cameramen: Vladimirs Gailis, Janis Celms, Janis Sulcs, Ruta Urbaste, Edgars Vekteris
No. 5: Cinema magazine “Soviet Latvia”, No. 10
Scene 2: Research by biologists from the State University of Latvia and the Latvian Academy of Agriculture on determining radioactivity in the Salaspils nuclear reactor and protection against it. Directed by Astrida Sigate, cameraman: Janis Celms, Laimons Gaigals, Gunars Indriksons, Ruta Urbaste, Edgars Vekteris.

The 360-degree virtual tour of the Salaspils nuclear reactor contains text, videos, photographs, images and other materials protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property rights. Publication, reproduction, transfer or storage of all or part of the content of this virtual tour is prohibited, unless consent is obtained from the holder of proprietary, copyright or other intellectual property rights. 

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Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.
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After the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, a significant situation occurred in the Salaspils reactor. A committee from Moscow arrived, but identified no serious flaws and work could resume after an additional emergency cooling system and a spare diesel generator were installed.
Research reactors found to be flawed had a harder time. In Tbilisi and Minsk, for example, the reactors were shut down, and further operation was disallowed. During this period, the specialists of the Salaspils nuclear reactor explained to the government and the public what exactly happened in Chernobyl and participated in the analysis and liquidation of the consequences of the accident that affected Latvia. The information received from Moscow was incomplete, and what Salaspils specialists did was very useful to the public.
The experience gained in working with their own reactor and the experiments performed in the critical test facility with the RBMK reactor model helped them understand what had happened.
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After many years of operation, corrosion spots appeared on the aluminum surfaces of the reactor pool. It turned out that there was not enough bitumen coating during the construction in places where aluminium comes into contact with concrete. The aluminium had to be replaced with stainless steel. During this time, new nuclear fuel elements were also developed for nuclear research reactors — thin-walled uranium tubes with a 90% enrichment of 235U.
This way, the power of the reactor could be doubled. These were the reasons the 1973-1974 reconstruction took place in the Salaspils reactor. The experience gained during this time was then used in the reconstruction of other IRT reactors. Aluminium and all structures of the core were replaced, and a new radiation circuit was installed, the heat capacity of the reactor was increased to 5000kWth. Reconstruction work was performed under the guidance of Salaspils nuclear reactor specialists.
The reactor then resumed operations until it was shut down on June 19, 1998. In total, the reactor served for 37 years and 12.3 kg uranium isotope 235U was used. No accidents occurred during this time.
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Local specialists were hired to service and operate the reactor. Their education and training mainly took place at the University of Latvia. Internships were carried out in Moscow, Dubna, Tbilisi and Leningrad.
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A type of an elevator shaft used to transport samples to the hot chamber. This shaft was designed to simplify the process. The nuclear reactor staff designed and installed it themselves
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At the request of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Latvian SSR Vilis Lacis, on March 1, 1958, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR N. Bulganin gave permission to build a typical IRT nuclear research reactor near Riga. It was consistent with the initiative of Igor Kurchatov to facilitate the expansive construction of reactors of this type.
As a result, six reactors were built in the USSR territory, and four — abroad. According to Moscow’s directions, on June 4, the Council of Ministers of the Latvian SSR arrived at a decision stipulating that a radiochemical laboratory and a residential village for employees should be built next to the nuclear reactor. The total value of the complex was estimated at 10 mln rubles, including the cost of a nuclear reactor - 1.5 mln rubles.
The initiators of the reactor construction were the employees of the Institute of Physics Igors Kirko, Peteris Prokofjevs and Ludvigs Pelekis. The site location was selected in Salaspils. Around it, a buffer area of 293 hectares (724 acres) was created. Residents of the area were relocated to a village. Four new residential houses were built in the village for them. Construction of a radioactive waste storage facility also began near Baldone, simultaneously with the construction of the reactor.
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The Salaspils nuclear reactor was used for training specialists both through USSR and international programs.
Future professionals from North Korea, Iraq and Libya, along with Norilsk nuclear reactor specialists, would gain experience here, guided by Latvian specialists.
The Salaspils reactor was open for excursions. During its operation, it welcomed approximately 50,000 visitors, most of them schoolchildren.
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In September 1966, a second nuclear reactor was put into operation in Salaspils, which was called a critical test facility due to its low heat output (25 W th). It was designed and built by local specialists.
The water-filled pool of the critical test facility was 2 m high, its diameter was 2.5 m. The core initially contained uranium with a 10% enrichment of the isotope 235U and a graphite reflector, but later used uranium enriched with 90% 235U and a beryllium reflector.
The most significant contribution of the critical test facility was the original liquid metal regulator for a nuclear reactor, designed for use in zero-gravity in space.
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Research in radiation physics and chemistry, as well as radiobiology, was carried out in the radiation circuit, and practical tasks such as sterilization of medical instruments and materials, irradiation of sugar beet seeds before sowing, wood modification (aging, obtaining heat-resistant and thermophytic polyethylene or polymer concrete, etc.) were performed.
Guests liked the radiation circuit very much. It was gladly shown by Mark Kramer, who worked as its manager until the reactor was shut down. There was a meter-thick (3.3ft) glass window in the room through which the irradiators could be seen. Manipulators were also visible, and, if one wished, it was possible to use them to ignite a match in the “hot” chamber. It could only be entered through a 7t (14,000 lbs) door. The radiation power in the chamber was able to kill a living organism within a second. In the control room behind the 1.5-meter-thick concrete walls, the radiation decreased a million times, and the dosimeter showed that the background of natural radiation was only slightly increased.
After 10 years of operation, the gamma radiation source was modernized, the power was increased and the design was improved. The modernized radiation circuit was activated by RK-LM on 30 September 1976, and it was operational until 19 June 1998.
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The sanitary pass consisted of three cloakrooms. Before entering the reactor hall, if you had to reload nuclear fuel, you would have had to take off your clothes and put on workwear – Soviet army underwear (cotton shirt and trousers).
Depending on the specifics of the work, plastic overalls, half overalls, aprons with long sleeves, cuffs, shoe covers or ankle boots had to be worn in the reactor hall. White hats had to be worn. During other activities in the reactor hall, while working on the control panel or in other departments, one had to wear a robe.
When leaving the reactor hall, employees had to take off their workwear, take a shower, and get dressed in their personal clothes.
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When the construction of the Salaspils nuclear reactor commenced, there were plans for construction of a radiochemistry building that would manufacture radiopharmaceuticals. The intent was to distribute them to the entire Baltic region. It was believed that interest in radioactive materials would increase in other fields of science. However, the radiochemistry facility was not built next to the reactor. Instead, the Radiochemistry laboratory was established in the nuclear reactor building.
The last research project carried out in the radiochemistry laboratory was called “Innovation in peat research and in the development of new products containing peat”, which investigated the possibility of using peat as a filtration material to collect isotopes from radioactively contaminated water.
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Spent fuel, after removal from the core, was stored in water tank — storage facility, where it was cooled. In Salaspils, such a storage facility was located next to the reactor tank. To ensure its nuclear safety, the assemblies were placed in a special grid with parameters that ensured their subcritical condition. That way, the assemblies would be placed away from each other in the storage area, in contrast to the core, where they are closely adjacent.
From storage, the assemblies were loaded into transport containers for shipment to Russia. Spent fuel was shipped to Russia several times. Until the restoration of Latvia’s independence, we performed this operation under the nickname “Jaguar” in 1983, 1985 and 1987.
Cooling system dismantled in the early 2000s.
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The reactor in Salaspils was activated on September 26, 1961.
This was done by a brigade led by Kurchatov’s associate Yevgeny Babulevich. He was also involved in the commissioning of the first F-1 nuclear reactor in Moscow in 1946.
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When necessary, radioactive waste is prepared at the Salaspils reactor and cemented to be put in storage or disposed of at the radioactive waste storage facility “Radons”.
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Director Olgerts Kroders and his assistants came to the reactor from the Liepaja theatre. They were preparing for the play by A. Stravickis, “The Measure of Humanity” (“Cilvēcības mērs”, 1980), which centred around a nuclear power plant.
To have a connection to the play’s events, O. Kroders and the actors Indra Brike, Janis Dreiblats, Gunars Tuls and others wanted to understand the specifics that the work of Salaspils nuclear reactor specialists entailed.
They were less interested in how the reactor works, and more in how the operator reacts when a red light starts flashing on the remote control panel. Do the dosimetrist’s hands tremble when measuring radiation? Perhaps, is there someone among the specialists, who can feel the ionizing radiation on their skin?
After several hours of chatting, it seemed that the theatre folks were satisfied with their visit.
It was on the way out, that O. Kroders returned and asked: "What would you say to us performing the play in the reactor hall?" The hall truly was spacious, with a first and second balcony. The surfaces of experimental equipment could be used as a stage.
V. Gavars and his colleagues agreed. Still, they were worried about a sanitary inspection. The compromise was that there would be no advertising for this performance. It was attended by over 200 viewers — both from their own collective and the Institute of Physics. The performance took place on April 18, 1981. Would there be anywhere else that a play would be performed in a nuclear reactor?!
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On April 28, 2021, SLLC “Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre” (LEGMC) entered into an agreement with LLC “REM PRO” on the examination of the Salaspils nuclear reactor and the development of a construction project for its decommissioning, dismantling and author supervision.
Within the framework of the agreement with LLC “REM PRO”, detailed examination of the Salaspils nuclear reactor and its territory will be performed in order to determine the amount of radioactive waste that will be generated during the decommissioning and dismantling of the nuclear reactor. A construction project for the dismantling and decommissioning of the nuclear reactor is included, which will determine the estimated costs of the actual construction works.
During the construction works in the Salaspils nuclear reactor, the plan is to decommission and dismantle the facility, which means liquidation and dismantling of the reactor, as well as its auxiliary equipment and systems. At the same time, the management of radioactive waste generated during the process, as well as all existing radioactive waste at the facility will be ensured, including dismantling of radioactively contaminated underground communications and sewage underground tanks and management of radioactive waste, delivering it to the radioactive waste storage facility "Radons".
On May 25, 2005, fresh (unirradiated) nuclear fuel with 90% uranium isotope enrichment of 235U, which was used in the critical test facility, was exported to Russia from the Salaspils reactor.
On May 15, 2008, the last cargo with spent nuclear fuel was exported from Salaspils to Chelyabinsk, Russia. The Latvian side expressed satisfaction that after a year and a half of efforts, the spent nuclear fuel had finally been exported.
htmlText_CBB98143_851A_E58E_41DF_E9905BBD68CF.html =
The research nuclear reactor IRT used simplified EK-10 nuclear fuel developed in the 1950s. Its main element was a 500mm (19.7in) long 10 mm (0.39in) diameter uranium rod placed in a 1.5 mm (0.06in) thick aluminium tube — the casing. Uranium rods were enriched with 10% uranium isotope 235U, which means they contained 8 grams of isotope 235U.
One assembly housed 16 rods. 26 assemblies were needed to reach critical mass. This means that the critical mass was 3.3 kg (7.27lbs) of the isotope 235U. Graphite rods, acting as an effective neutron reflector, were placed around the fuel assemblies.
htmlText_CDBDCF64_8336_FD8A_41D8_E9CA176A91B5.html =
The typical nuclear reactor IRT 1000, developed by Moscow’s Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy is the pool-type (4.5 m long, 2 m wide and 8 m deep, or approx. 15ft long, 6.5ft wide and 26ft deep). Its heat output is 1000kW th; later, by expanding the core, it was increased to 2000kW th, but after reconstruction in 1974 — to 5000kW th. Ordinary water was used as the neutron moderator, heat carrier and biological protection material.
Graphite was used as the neutron reflector. The pool was open, without elevated pressure, and the water temperature did not exceed 45oC (113 F). This allowed easy access to the core and insertion of experimental devices. The pool was shielded with a 1.8m (5.9ft) thick reinforced concrete biological protection. The reactor core contained approximately 40 kg (88lbs) of uranium enriched to 10% with the isotope 235U.
htmlText_CF7BF483_FEDC_3DF5_41ED_926492F7C66C.html =
Radiation safety is a very complex state, scientific, legal, technical, organizational and medical process that was ensured during all thirty-eight years of operation of the Salaspils nuclear reactor. The main measures were: monitoring of radiation exposure of employees, environmental radiation, work environment radiation, instructions, regulations, laws, agreements, conventions.
Review of individual dosimetry results – lifetime doses
Dose units and limits (formerly ‘the permissible dose’). The old units of radiation were X-ray R and X-ray equivalent rem, and the annual limit was set at 5 rem. At that time, the 25 rem dose was considered potentially dangerous, and the worker was medically examined and supervised after receiving it. The current unit is sievert Sv and the limit is 20 mSv per year. A dose of 200 mSv may be received during emergency response. 1 Sv is equivalent to 100 R.
Using the individual dose database and other documentation available to the dosimetry service from 1959 to 1992, a summary and analysis of the individual doses of staff and seconded staff was carried out, as well as an evaluation of tenure. A register of doses and other data of 2382 persons working in the nuclear reactor was compiled.
The highest lifetime dose received by a worker in a reactor is 32 rem, which is not large compared to the average received from natural radiation (approximately 17 rem). During the entire operation of the reactor, there were no cases when an employee would have exceeded the permissible annual dose of 5 rem.
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HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_6F1CFBA5_7D1E_648A_41CD_D43B6D868777.toolTip = Ūdens tornis HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_6F3B0043_7D1A_638E_4196_ADBBE6A594FF.toolTip = Laboratorija ēka HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_6F489EAE_7D0A_7C96_41CE_7EB271AAE603.toolTip = Sanitārās caurlaides ēka HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_70F084A0_7D1B_AC8A_41CF_D364D92E9ECA.toolTip = Caurlaižu ēka HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_734E3567_3C65_F6AF_41B2_28A79B93E71C.toolTip = Nulljaudas reaktora atrašanās vieta HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_7368A5F9_7D1E_6C7A_41B9_40F5A9BA5516.toolTip = Territory HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_80589F16_DBC8_87F2_41E7_E07BF176C2EB.toolTip = Reactor nowadays HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_856FAE42_CC47_A0C0_41D7_B2739F9070C5.toolTip = Kādām vajadzībām kalpoja radiācijas kontūrs? HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_88285EE9_CC47_61C0_41DA_670A125D733E.toolTip = Par talkām reaktorā HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_89ED8ACE_C458_8E52_41E0_D32D8FE05FE7.toolTip = Kā sabiedrība uztvēra to, ka Salaspilī tiek būvēts kodolreaktors? HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8A2DE9AF_C458_8AD2_41DF_CCB93EEE8CA0.toolTip = Kā Jūs nonācāt reaktorā? HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8E9F4496_C449_9AF5_41D1_5EB64F3C111F.toolTip = Cik cilvēku strādāja Salaspils kodolreaktorā? HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_991737C2_CCCF_EFC1_41E3_161CD74B3DFD.toolTip = Pastāsties, kādus pētījumus veica radiācijas kontūrā? HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A75A8362_BCBB_81BD_41DA_B710B531D4F3.toolTip = Staircase HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_AC915B62_BC78_8182_41DA_3CC60E90F921.toolTip = Kurš nolēma Salaspilī būvēt reaktoru? HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_AE584B26_F7FC_52BF_41EB_46B7DC0D4AE3.toolTip = Scientific experimental equipment for the study of samples under low temperature (approximately - 267C) radiation conditions. 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HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C48725A1_DAC2_1512_41C3_E9E1A45CBDB0.toolTip = Filma Atomreaktors HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C48BCA5D_DAC6_1F33_41E4_D21EB8BC8867.toolTip = Salaspils nuclear reactor laboratory. HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C48EC11C_DAC2_0D31_41E2_05EC8DF7DA0B.toolTip = Jau gadu darbojas kodolreaktors HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C4B8928B_DADE_0F16_41E8_2150729F4D28.toolTip = Research by biologists from the State University of Latvia and the Latvian Academy of Agriculture on determining radioactivity in the Salaspils nuclear reactor and protection against it. HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C621B610_FF24_DD13_41CC_DA71E9A80440.toolTip = Nuclear fuel self-loading rod storage — reloading tools HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C6FF1F19_FF2C_4B15_41E8_D9533D88B6B5.toolTip = Core hatch HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C86BC167_FEE4_D73D_41CD_C51EEE51CA74.toolTip = Semi-automatic cementing plant used for cementing radiation waste. HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CB01E671_FEE4_DD14_41E1_551F41AC06E5.toolTip = Industrial vacuum cleaner for use in the dismantling process. HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CB67DA8B_FEE4_55F5_41E1_146CBE09D3CB.toolTip = Radioactive waste containers in which radioactive waste is cemented. HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CB80226A_D9C2_0F16_41BA_F987F395595F.toolTip = Salaspils kodolreaktorā notika teātra izrāde? Pastāstiet par to. HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CE49EC9D_DA42_1B33_41E8_E6443E6E9FF9.toolTip = Vai kodolreaktors tika darbināts no pults? HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CE580AE1_D342_CBDE_41DD_16BEC48E2CDE.toolTip = Salaspils nuclear reactor HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CE8E0B03_FEDC_74F4_41E0_5C985823C345.toolTip = Radiation safety HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CF24AF2B_D342_4AA2_41D9_43D9223D618A.toolTip = Aerial video of the reactor HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CF665058_DA46_0B32_41D6_91E73CFAB25D.toolTip = Cik drošs bija reaktors? HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D5C5DFB0_FEDC_4B13_41D3_BF572A56948B.toolTip = Reactor cooling water from the primary circuit, which will be used for cementation of radiation waste. HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D7DB03C8_D9BE_0D11_41DD_D5CBE20058EC.toolTip = Cik bieži tika mainīts vai papildināts bioloģiskās aizsardzības nolūkos esošais ūdens virs aktīvās zonas? HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D87AE141_FB24_F775_41E2_56CE5250F3E9.toolTip = Reactor power level indicator HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D8C0B256_FAE4_F51F_41CE_B152158304EC.toolTip = Meteorological parameter indicator HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D8D51036_FAED_D51C_41D4_A88BC88C1ED7.toolTip = Nitrogen N16 isotope level meter HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D8F8CAF9_FAE5_F514_41EE_DCA4957B5C7D.toolTip = Gamma radiation control equipment HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D903ADF8_FAEC_4F13_41E9_A9D4F069CDFA.toolTip = Rod control panel HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D91597F3_FAE4_FB15_41E1_197487ACA0BE.toolTip = Rod position indicator HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D91E939C_FAE4_DB13_41EE_48C66348005D.toolTip = Automatic adjustment unit HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D92DAAE4_FADC_D533_41CD_16237137730D.toolTip = Moving ionization chambers position indicators HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D9450F68_FAEC_CB33_41D5_AB777BCA1FC1.toolTip = Reactor start-up speedometer HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D9507098_FADC_5514_41E5_8602C5BB967F.toolTip = Automatic regulator rod position indicator HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D96B89A7_FB24_573D_41D6_6C3904E7C4C1.toolTip = Reactor control equipment HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D972FC39_FADD_CD15_41DB_4BFC7ADE246F.toolTip = Universal vacuum chamber control unit HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D982441A_FB24_3D17_41D5_299E70E7F9DB.toolTip = Cooling circuit measuring equipment indicators HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D9EB8287_FB23_F5FD_41D7_EA3CF985C713.toolTip = Fresh nuclear fuel storage facility control equipment HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E6BB74A7_C458_FAD3_41DD_F36016883EB0.toolTip = Vadības pults shēma HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F107F0A5_C4CF_7AD6_41C5_A1CBC17181BD.toolTip = Rīkojums ar parakstiem HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F3583D14_C4F9_8BF5_4190_1CDB52B19258.toolTip = Kodoldegvielas kasete IRT-3M.JPG HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F4472F9D_D34E_AB94_41D8_8B625D1D26B8.toolTip = Opening of the Salaspils nuclear reactor. ## Action ### PDF PopupPDFBehaviour_6C689C0A_3C2F_B661_41B8_9CC96AE8487C.url = files/Kodoldegvielas kasete IRT-3M.JPG_en.pdf PopupPDFBehaviour_6D4016DA_3DE3_BF89_41A1_69C79D8688B1.url = files/Ieeja - Rīkojumi ar parakstiem.JPG_en.pdf PopupPDFBehaviour_711085DF_51EC_287C_41C2_503307CB58B0.url = files/Kodolreaktors IRT-1000 pirms modernizācijas.JPG_en.pdf PopupPDFBehaviour_7185CC01_51ED_DFC5_41BA_EC24EF4EA5BA.url = files/Kodolreaktora aktīvā zona_en.pdf PopupPDFBehaviour_7191E1BD_51E4_283D_41BC_E65D70A3C9BE.url = files/Reaktora uzbūve_en.pdf PopupPDFBehaviour_76EE2692_3C6D_F261_41A6_D51386135AE2.url = files/shema_en.pdf PopupPDFBehaviour_E792AF85_C45B_86D7_41E3_8AEDE16CE96F.url = files/Kodolreaktora vadības pults.JPG_en.pdf PopupPDFBehaviour_EE735476_C4FF_FA35_41E7_0BBFD4E6F5EA.url = files/Kodoldegvielas kasete IRT-3M.JPG_en.pdf PopupPDFBehaviour_EEB0D695_C4C9_86F6_41E0_513791FAA11A.url = files/Ieeja - Rīkojumi ar parakstiem.JPG_en.pdf PopupPDFBehaviour_FAF9884E_D9C2_3B2E_418A_1438EEF491B1.url = files/shema_en.pdf PopupPDFBehaviour_FCCF66DF_D9C2_172E_41DC_FFBCD8B2DEAA.url = files/Kodolreaktora vadības pults.JPG_en.pdf ### URL PopupWebFrameBehaviour_3145133C_0C25_EE5C_41A3_4B17AA901EE1.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/PHmNB0W9eGg PopupWebFrameBehaviour_BAFD0C66_F724_D6BF_41E8_32BF1BD7968E.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/_qBGbT4uPVo PopupWebFrameBehaviour_BB3C33CE_F724_518F_41EC_0035DA4B0F04.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/qCD38jOnsJQ PopupWebFrameBehaviour_C241E818_DAC2_1B32_41BF_30F0A3CF25BD.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/I0SO1p8vDUA PopupWebFrameBehaviour_C247E916_DAC2_1D31_41E7_3E7A4C0FCB44.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/XeAtUPZUHEc PopupWebFrameBehaviour_C3937597_DAC6_153E_41E7_F249891E489F.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/OonaBJ77Nlc PopupWebFrameBehaviour_C3970294_DACE_0F32_41E9_9DDCD41301E4.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/o2Y57RMRcOg PopupWebFrameBehaviour_C3C13541_DAC2_7512_41DD_BF4556DA1BAD.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/ODIh05GPWnQ PopupWebFrameBehaviour_CE42FF57_D346_4AE2_41E2_39C9A940EA43.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/byMk7_6kWK0